The Indo-European language family

The YouTube channel I would like to introduce here is JuLingo, run by Julie, who has made herself quite a reputation as a linguist.

Fastest way to understand 19 slavic Languages

Tim Keeley breaks down the slavic languages into three sub-families and shows how learning three slavic languages may enable you to understand all 19 to a large extent.

Germanic Languages

Germanic Languages: Top 3 Must-Learn After English. The languages and linguistics site I introduce here is Polyglot dreams

What happened to the 'F' in Spanish words?

Many Latin words starting with 'f' see this leading letter weakened to 'h' in Spanish. The cognates in Italian, French and Portuguese most often keep the leading 'F'.

Detailed information on the regions of central Italy

This is the third video in this series, with focus on the regions in the centre of Italy. Be prepared for a thick Australian accent.

Detailed information about the North Italian regions

This post provides valuable info about the regions in the North of Italy. 

Regions covered in this blog article are : Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (the north-east, bordering Slovenia), Trentino alto Adige (the North, bordering Austria) il Veneto, (including Venice), Lombardy, Aosta Valley and Piemonte. There is an extra video on real estate in Piemonte.

But we head off with an englobing video on Italy and Italians. Be prepared for a thick Australian accent in many of the videos.

Geografía y demografía de España

En una serie de videos, veremos muchos datos y particularidades geográficas de España

Several things polyglots do differently !

Knowing what polyglots do differently is holding the key to success in language learning. We delve into some practices and tips revealed by some polyglots.

Learning Swedish

Swedish is the most spoken language among the North Germanic languages. Swedish is also the most learnt Scandinavian language.

Duolingo features

After Duolingo dumped its forum in March 2022, several new discussion groups have started up. 

Con este método aprendí 13 idiomas

El método de traducción bidireccional es lo que propone Luca Lampariello, el famoso políglota italiano.

Massive input

Once you have acquired an intermediate level in any language, massive input of reading and listening is what cranks up you passive knowledge of the language.

Español con María

Español con María is 'the tropical way' to learn Spanish, is what María posts in her title paragraph. We leave Spain and head for Colombia, in the north-west of South America.

Some more Spanish channels

Some more Spanish YouTube channels. All of them are teachers from Spain and most of them target intermediate to advanced learners.

¡Hola Spanish!

With ¡Hola Spanish!, I am introducing another Latin American language channel here. The teacher is from Argentina (but is living in Australia). Not quite the typical 'Rio Platense' pronunciation as she is from Cordoba. Argentinian Spanish is also said to sound more melodic, due to a very high percentage of the population from Italian descent. (The kitchen is also more Italian than Spanish.)

Organic Spanish

In two of the videos on the channel SpanisHacks, Juan is interviewing Kasia who runs the channel Organic Spanish. She emphasizes on learning a language using comprehensible input.


The channel SpanisHacks is run by a Mexican teacher, hence we discover one of the most common accent in the Americas and the most common heard in the US. 

Español automático

Another YouTube channel aimed at intermediate Spanish speakers aiming to escape from the 'plateau' of intermediate knowledge and proficiency. This is a full immersion approach.

Dreaming Spanish

Dreaming Spanish is a web based Spanish learning site where Spanish is used as the teaching language. This immersion approach is the key feature. It also avoids imposing a teaching language.

Italiano per tutti

 "Italiano per tutti" / Italian for everyone, is the language learning channel introduced here. There are several contributors.

Piazzasquare Italiano

The language channel I would like to introduce here is called Piazzasquare Italiano, with Carlo as the main contributor:

Metatron Academy

More about the Youtube channel;  'MetatronAcademy' run by Raffaello.
Wheeras his command of Japanese and Chinese made him notorious, it are obviously not the first languages he learnt. Born in Sicily, he spoke Sicilian and Italian from an early age. Note that Sicilian is not an Italian dialect. The languages are not mutually intelligible. 

Easy Catalan

The series of related language channels EASY ( is not limited to major languages and national languages. There is also a channel Easy Catalan

Easy Dutch

Easy Dutch is a YouTube channel providing access to the videos published by this language learning site. 

Galego versus Português

Galician versus Portuguese (Galego versus Português).

The channel introduced here is OlaxonMario , the Galician speaker. At the right you recognize Leo of the channel Portuguese with Leo introduced earlier.

What is your English level?

If you are a native speaker, this is irrelevant. In the below test Lucy the series of questions gets progressively harder. 

The Scots language

No not Scottish Gaelic nor Scottish English. Scots is a germanic language in its own right with about 1.6 M speakers, much more than there are people speaking Gaelic.


Langfocus is the Youtube channel I would like to emphasize here. It is a popular channel run by Paul. Many videos focus on one language or a comparison between related languages ... or between different variants of the same language.

A few videos are commenting on 'language families'.

Which is Harder? Japanese or Chinese?

Which is Harder? Japanese or Chinese? A comparative Analysis.

The Youtube channel I would like to introduce here is 'MetatronAcademy'

Teaching French

In this blog, I cover several YouTube channels teaching French, all of them with French as the teaching language. Needless to explain that these channels are not meant for absolute beginners. 

But when Duolingo gets too repetitive and boring, these channels will enlarge your French horizon. Bonne chance.

Podcast Italiano

As the name says, Podcast Italiano initially started off as an audio distribution. Youtube videos came soon after. The author Davide exclusively speaks Italian on his channel. But English subtitles help listeners with a poor command of Italian.

Spain revealed: practical considerations of settling in Spain

The Youtube channel introduced here is Spain revealed 

(Subtitled : Experience Spain like a local)

An overview of videos covered on the channel:

Note: I have split this topic. Videos involving Spanish gastronomy and wine or beer related topics can be found in a topical post.

Practical considerations of settling in Spain are covered here, while this links to the original main post about Spain and Spanish regions.  In that main section, James Blick  (New Zealand born) and his spouse Yolanda Martín (Spanish) travel to several of the less known cities in Spain. Sometimes they focus on the less crowded areas in tourist magnets like Barcelona or Madrid.

Spain revealed: Spanish gastronomy and wine story

The Youtube channel introduced here is Spain revealed 

(Subtitled : Experience Spain like a local)

An overview of topical videos covered on the channel. James Blick  (New Zealand born) and his spouse Yolanda Martín (Spanish) are discovering the 'tapa culture' in some cities and extend this to a gastronomical tour or they visit some Spanish wine regions else James goes in depth on Spanish wine traditions. A panel beer tasting adds yet another aspect.

Note: The general post (January 2024) is found here.

Odyssee: Ancient History Documentaries

Odyssey is your journey into the world of Ancient History; from the dawn of Mesopotamia to the fall of Rome. We'll be bringing you only the best documentaries that journey into the mysteries and ruins of worlds long lost.

About ancient languages, their culture ... and about geology, showing the traces of eons ago.

The youtube channel I am introducing here is polýMATHY, run by Luke Ranieri. 

"Polymathy is the study of many things. On my videos I want to share with you what I find interesting about science, technology, languages, geopolitics, and history."

How Americans appreciate Europe after living here.

One channel in particular on this topic is Type Ashton. Also read "the Schwarzwald family". They have been enjoying their life in the south of Germany for years now.


Are you an avid learner of Spanish and have you always been interested in specific features of the language and its evolution? Then Linguriosa is the channel for you. Of course it is Spanish spoken (with a peninsular accent since Helena lives some 100 km north of Madrid.)

Language acquisition didactics

 In this blog we will delve into the didactics of the acquisition of a new language. You read it well: acquisition of a new language: not learning a new language. The audiovisual material used is mainly by Steve Kaufmann (Lingosteve) and Dr. Stephen Krashen.

How Celtic is the Portuguese language?

How Celtic is the Portuguese language?

The phonetic difference between Latin and both Portuguese and French is considerable. Whereas for French, the Celtic influence is commonly recognized, this is also the case for Portuguese.

Spain revealed

The Youtube channel introduced here is Spain revealed 

(Subtitled : Experience Spain like a local)

You have an overview of videos covered on the channel. James Blick  (New Zealand born) and his spouse Yolanda Martín (Spanish) travel to several of the less known cities in Spain. Sometimes they focus on the less crowded areas in tourist magnets like Barcelona or Madrid.

Note: I have split this topic. Videos involving Spanish gastronomy and wine or beer related topics can be found in a topical post.

Yet another section split off are all practical considerations around settling in Spain.

Experience Belgium Like never before

Experience Belgium Like never before: Top 10 must-do activities.

Unfortunately quite a lot of the image sequences don't correspond to what is being discussed. Several of them are not even situated in Belgium. 

Parlano Catalano?

Content: Videos about Catalunya and the Catalan language. Introducing the Canal Easy Catalan and Couch Polyglot: Laura speaking in Catalan.

Liga romanica

Dans cette série de videos YouTube, Elena de Linguriosa (Guadalajara, España), Leo de "Portuguese with Leo", Davide de "Podcast Italiano" et Elise de "French mornings" se réunissent pour des émissions combinées.