Podcast Italiano

As the name says, Podcast Italiano initially started off as an audio distribution. Youtube videos came soon after. The author Davide exclusively speaks Italian on his channel. But English subtitles help listeners with a poor command of Italian.

Focus is on specific features of the Italian language or on the interactions with the languages which have been influential on Italian over the centuries past. 

Italy is changing from a country where local languages and dialects were spoken almost exclusively to a nation where the standard Italian is ever more replacing those regional languages. Certain 'accents' in standard Italian still enable listeners to easily identify the region where a speaker is coming from. 


Come parlavano gli immigrati italiani negli Stati Uniti? E i loro discenti? Esiste una lingua "italoamericana"?

Che cos'è il Lunfardo? In che modo l'italiano ha influenzato lo spagnolo che si parla in Argentina?

Important to remark is that the vast majority of the 17 million of Italians who emigrated during the second half of the 19th century and upto 1970 have been mainly speakers of regional Italian languages.

This has been a factor limiting the use of Italian and favouring Spanish, though not without leaving its traces on Spanish. Hence 'Il lunfardo'.

When Italian copies FRENCH: french words in Italian, with Elisa of the channel "@French Mornings with Elisa" co-authoring.

When Italian COPIES SPANISH: hispanisms, with Elena of he channel @Linguriosa


Ho sfidato alcuni famosi insegnanti di lingue che non sanno l'italiano a pronunciare alcune parole italiane (@SpeakingBrazilian @LearnGermanFast @SpanishLanguageCoach @DeinSprachcoach @perfect-english-grammar): come se la sono cavata?

Regional languages from North Italy

Who has the most neutral accent in Italian? [Learn Italian, IT/EN/ES/PT subs]

Noi italiani, lo sappiamo, usiamo tanti gesti. In questo video metto alla prova i miei amici di @LigaRomanica sui gesti italiani: saranno in grado di capirli?

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