El canal que quisiera presentarles aquí se llama 'Superholly'. La dejo la palabra:
What is your English level?
If you are a native speaker, this is irrelevant. In the below test Lucy the series of questions gets progressively harder.
The Scots language
No not Scottish Gaelic nor Scottish English. Scots is a germanic language in its own right with about 1.6 M speakers, much more than there are people speaking Gaelic.
How anyone (including YOU) can read German / French
The channels I use for this video are RobWords with Rob and LetThemTalkTV with Gideon.
Why Native Speakers are not necessarily the best teachers
Why Native Speakers are not necessarily the best teachers
The Youtube channel I would like to introduce here is 'MetatronAcademy'
Which is Harder? Japanese or Chinese?
Which is Harder? Japanese or Chinese? A comparative Analysis.
The Youtube channel I would like to introduce here is 'MetatronAcademy'
Fluent in one language or good in many?
Fluent in one language or good in many?
The channel used in this post is LingoSteve
Teaching French
In this blog, I cover several YouTube channels teaching French, all of them with French as the teaching language. Needless to explain that these channels are not meant for absolute beginners.
But when Duolingo gets too repetitive and boring, these channels will enlarge your French horizon. Bonne chance.
Monthy Python's "Life of Brian": Teaching Latin
"Romanes eunt Domus", a famous scene from the film "The Life of Brian: Have fun with Latin