Jamy Épicurieux

Today's article is titled after a popular French edutainment channel: Jamy Épicurieux.

Topics covered are natural science and history mainly. Ever heard about the French volcanoes? Well there are, but most are considered extinct. But are they really? And which are the most dangerous volcanoes on Earth? One in the US and one in Europe... and the 'Ring of Fire' hasn't even been mentioned.

Les volcans d'Auvergne, peuvent-ils se réveiller?

Yellowstone : Les Secrets d'une Superéruption Imminente

An Invisible Supervolcano Is Threatening Europe!

Enough volcanoes! Let's talk about mysteries and about a historic abbey with a dark past ...

Oh yes, if you hear any English being spoken, that is a voice over. So kindly switch the youtube video to the original language.

About Easter Island and its giant statues

Escaping from Mont Saint Michel (!)

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