Why Native Speakers are not necessarily the best teachers
The Youtube channel I would like to introduce here is 'MetatronAcademy'
Why Native Speakers are not necessarily the best teachers
The Youtube channel I would like to introduce here is 'MetatronAcademy'
Which is Harder? Japanese or Chinese? A comparative Analysis.
The Youtube channel I would like to introduce here is 'MetatronAcademy'
Fluent in one language or good in many?
The channel used in this post is LingoSteve
In this blog, I cover several YouTube channels teaching French, all of them with French as the teaching language. Needless to explain that these channels are not meant for absolute beginners.
But when Duolingo gets too repetitive and boring, these channels will enlarge your French horizon. Bonne chance.
"Romanes eunt Domus", a famous scene from the film "The Life of Brian: Have fun with Latin
As the name says, Podcast Italiano initially started off as an audio distribution. Youtube videos came soon after. The author Davide exclusively speaks Italian on his channel. But English subtitles help listeners with a poor command of Italian.
The Youtube channel introduced here is Spain revealed
(Subtitled : Experience Spain like a local)
An overview of videos covered on the channel:
Note: I have split this topic. Videos involving Spanish gastronomy and wine or beer related topics can be found in a topical post.
Practical considerations of settling in Spain are covered here, while this links to the original main post about Spain and Spanish regions. In that main section, James Blick (New Zealand born) and his spouse Yolanda Martín (Spanish) travel to several of the less known cities in Spain. Sometimes they focus on the less crowded areas in tourist magnets like Barcelona or Madrid.
The Youtube channel introduced here is Spain revealed
(Subtitled : Experience Spain like a local)
An overview of topical videos covered on the channel. James Blick (New Zealand born) and his spouse Yolanda Martín (Spanish) are discovering the 'tapa culture' in some cities and extend this to a gastronomical tour or they visit some Spanish wine regions else James goes in depth on Spanish wine traditions. A panel beer tasting adds yet another aspect.
Note: The general post (January 2024) is found here.
The youtube channel I am introducing here is polýMATHY, run by Luke Ranieri.
"Polymathy is the study of many things. On my videos I want to share with you what I find interesting about science, technology, languages, geopolitics, and history."