Le piège de Duolingo; (explication d'un polyglotte).
Los 6 idiomas más fáciles de aprender (si hablas español)
Abundan artículos así para hablantes de inglés. Esta vez cambiamos el punto de vista.
Fastest way to understand 19 slavic Languages
Tim Keeley breaks down the slavic languages into three sub-families and shows how learning three slavic languages may enable you to understand all 19 to a large extent.
Germanic Languages
What happened to the 'F' in Spanish words?
Many Latin words starting with 'f' see this leading letter weakened to 'h' in Spanish. The cognates in Italian, French and Portuguese most often keep the leading 'F'.
Gallego - explained in intermediate Spanish
El Gallego, la lengua hablada en Galicia, explicado en un español intermedio por Pablo
Detailed information on the regions of central Italy
This is the third video in this series, with focus on the regions in the centre of Italy. Be prepared for a thick Australian accent.
Detailed information about the North Italian regions
This post provides valuable info about the regions in the North of Italy.
Regions covered in this blog article are : Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (the north-east, bordering Slovenia), Trentino alto Adige (the North, bordering Austria) il Veneto, (including Venice), Lombardy, Aosta Valley and Piemonte. There is an extra video on real estate in Piemonte.
But we head off with an englobing video on Italy and Italians. Be prepared for a thick Australian accent in many of the videos.
Italian regions summarized and detailed information on Southern Italy
All italian regions explained in 27 minutes ...